Tuesday, June 30, 2020

BR-27 Chronological Bible Read (July 2-8)

We just passed half way, Chronos!
How does that feel?

The short version:
Over and over and over, again, the Old Testament pops up in the New Testament. That's no accident. How interesting that we get to read these as they first appear in scriptures! When they heard Jesus repeat them, New Testament followers recognized and responded to these OT scriptures differently than we might think. Knowing that changes how we think about them.

Also, NOTE, it is believed that everything we are reading this week, both proverbs and psalms (many of which have no known author), were collected by King Hezekiah (who we just read about!) as part of his religious reformation. This is why they appear separately from other proverbs and psalms.


We are reading The One Year Chronological Bible (New Living Translation - Tyndale). The best way is with your own copy of this Bible translation. Or, copy and paste this link to the daily reading schedule:


This Week’s Key verse:
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." Proverbs 27:17. We followers of Jesus are called to do this, repeatedly, in the New Testament. One example (of many): "Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24ff

>This week's highlights:
July 2nd - Prov 25:6-7 sounds a lot like the advice Jesus gave about not trying to sit at the head pf the table (Luke 14)
... maybe He read Proverbs, too??

July 2nd - Prov 25:21-22 is exactly what Paul is quoting in Romans 12:17-21.

July 3rd - The Worthy Woman Prov 31 - The phrase "worthy woman" is better translated as "woman of valor." (try reading it like it describes a worthy person ... enlightening). Almost anyone would be happy to have such things said of them, regardless of their gender.

July 4th - A portion of the song "As the deer panteth for the water" comes from Psalms 42 & 43

July 4th - Psalm 46: You may have heard this expressed as "a very present help in times of trouble."

July 6th - Psalm 91:11-12 was referenced by Satan when tempting Jesus in the wilderness (Sssso ... I guess that means our enemy has read the Old Testament, too).

July 8th - INTERESTING TO KNOW: the author for the famous Psalm 100 is unknown.

July 8th - I really like this from Psalm 104:24 “O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all.

Next Week:
1. Psalm 119, the longest, is all on July 12th and each section begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

2. The psalms of ascension are found here; these were sung as the pilgrims climbed up toward the Temple in Jerusalem. Each verse is for a step on the stairway.

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