Tuesday, June 9, 2020

BR-24 Chronological Bible Read (June 11-17)

It feels like a game of hopscotch, Chronos!

That's the thought that crossed my mind as I jumped back and forth between the stories of the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom in this week's reading. While it can be a bit confusing, the story really does move right along.

NOTE: in my experience, it helps to list the main points under the each kingdom. Here is a website that offers several helps with keeping the two kingdoms straight ... including side-by-side timelines: https://www.historyinthebible.com/supplementary_pages/two-kingdoms.html

Happy reading!


We are reading The One Year Chronological Bible (New Living Translation - Tyndale). The best way is with your own copy of this Bible translation. Or, copy and paste this link to the daily reading schedule:


James says, "Elijah was a person, just like us." That makes studying his story especially important, both his ups and his downs. So here's a short list of his highlights.

1. First resurrection in the Bible: 1st Kings 17:8-24
2. Elijah "drops his basket" (becomes so depressed he asks God to take his life away): 1st Kings 19:1-9
3. God presents Himself as the "still small voice" and re-directs Elijah's mission: 1st Kings 19:9-18
4. Death of Jezebel: 2nd Kings 9:30-37

If interested, there are two reflections on my blog that center on Elijah. See “1Spiritual Reflection - Vivi Dropped Her Basket” and “1Spiritual Reflection-Catch God on the Whisper.” Search the list of spiritual reflections on the right hand side of the screen at:

Another key story: the healing of Naaman's leprosy (2nd King's 5).

Next week:
1. We wrap up Elisha's story.

2. We are introduced to Uzziah, the person who rules Judah for 52 years!
... sort of ...

3. Jonah! (Northern Kingdom prophet swallowed by ... what?)

4. Amos! (Prophet to both kingdoms ... key phrase: "a famine in the land" ... key concept: fair treatment in the marketplace, especially of the less fortunate).

5. Isaiah sees the Lord "high and lifted up" in the temple ... a powerful vision! (Note what, exactly, fills the Temple!)

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