Monday, June 22, 2020

BR-26 Chronological Bible Read (June 25 - July 1)

The short version of this week's readings: Come back to God!

People often regard the Old Testament as more of a rulebook. In the book of Hosea, the prophet puts the lie to that. Throughout, we find phrases like "I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings.” Again, " one cries to me for help." And, "...yet they don't return to the Lord their God or even try to find Him."

God always loves us, always wants us to show love, always wants us to seek Him, and always wants us to come back ... and always has!

Blessings, Steve


We are reading The One Year Chronological Bible (New Living Translation - Tyndale). The best way is with your own copy of this Bible translation. Or, copy and paste this link to the daily reading schedule:


The Almost-Missed-It Department: June 24th - we read one of the famous prophecies of Christ. ISAIAH 9:1-7. Right after prophesying the coming Assyrian invasion, God says, "Nevertheless ..."

This week’s Key Verse:
After saying He will "win her back" (meaning Israel), God says He will "transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope." (HOSEA 2:15) Remember this whenever you’re in your own, personal “Valley of Trouble.”

This week’s highlights:

1. June 25th, 2KINGS 18 - Hezekiah destroyed the bronze serpent God had instructed Moses to make during the wilderness years. [The same one Jesus referenced when He said He would be lifted up like the serpent that healed the Israelites who looked upon it.] You would think that destroying it would anger God ... but no. In this instance, God allows Hezekiah to destroy it because the people had started worshipping IT! There's a powerful lesson here, and it's worth our time to think on it a bit.

2. June 26th & 27th - Hosea the Prophet - a lot here on God's desire for us to return to Him. Also, the famously used phrase "reap the whirlwind" is found at HOSEA 8:7.

3. June 28th, 2KINGS 17:24 - A conquerer settles foreigners in Israel. In this period, Isaiah tells people how to get right with God: "Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows." (ISAIAH 1:17) This is followed by a scripture you may recognize ... (ISAIAH 1:18).

4. June 30th, ISAIAH 14:12-17 - To quote the Saturday Night Live “Church Lady”: “Could it be ... SATAN?!“ Many consider these verses a description of the Satan's fall from Heaven.

5. (All of July 1st) Hezekiah reopens the Temple - they used the Psalms "written by David and by Asaph the seer" to praise the Lord. And, after many years, Passover was once again celebrated!

5a. 2Chronicles 29:31 - Note “all who were willing....

5b. A key verse from King Hezakiah’s Passover invitation: “For the Lord your God is gracious and merciful. If you return to Him, he will not continue to turn His face from you.” (2CHRONICLES 30:9)

Next week:
More Proverbs!!
More Psalms!!

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