Monday, January 6, 2020

BR-06 Chronological Bible Read (February 5-11)

About now, people start thinking, “I can’t keep doing this daily Bible reading thing.” The reasons are as individual as the people thinking them.

One of the main reasons people quit: they fall behind.

So, here’s a pro tip: unless you have tons of time on your hands, just pick up with the current week. Don’t worry about what you missed. It’s not like you can’t go back and pick it up some other time. But that’s not even the point. Give yourself the year to read the Bible. It’s about spending the year in scripture, not any given day or week.

Pro Tip #2: if you’re too busy or just can’t get to it (for any reason), use my notes to guide you to key matters. That’s the fast way to make sure you don’t miss the important stuff while moving on to the next week’s reading.



We are reading The One Year Chronological Bible (New Living Translation). The best way is with your own copy of this Bible translation. Or, copy and paste this link to the daily reading schedule:


THIS WEEK: I am continually surprised at how much "ground" we cover in one short week! Look at this list:
1. Pharaoh finally expels the Israelites from Egypt
2. Israelites cross through the Red Sea on dry ground
3. Pharaoh's army drowned
4. Quail and Manna feed Israelites in the Wilderness
5. Water from the rock Moses struck
6. Jethro's advice on setting up a layered judicial system
8. The plans for the Tabernacle, the Priesthood, and sacrifices
9. Sabbath Instructions
10. The golden calf worshipped while Moses is on the mountain with God
11. Moses convinces God not to destroy the entire Israelite nation (more than once!)

WHEW! That's a lot! Let me know if you have any questions.

Some thoughts for this week’s reading:
1. Fans of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning will note the first appearance of "bells and pomegranates" in this week's reading (As long as Aaron wore them on his priestly robe while in God's presence, he would not die!).

2. Dull as it is to read them, the Tabernacle instructions were VERY important: God promised that He would live among the Israelites if they followed his Tabernacle instructions.

3. Over and over, God tells Moses He (God) will send an Angel ahead of them to clear the way through the Promised Land; to drive out the people who live there.

4. Aaron lied to Moses about the golden calf, claiming he just threw the gold into the fire "and out came this calf!"

5. Moses was so angered by the people worshipping the golden calf that he threw God's hand-written tablets down, breaking them on the ground. God later replaced them.

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