Monday, January 6, 2020

BR-04 Chronological Bible Read (January 22-28)

Well, Chronos, we are deep into the Book of Job, this week. We pick up at Chapter 12 and continue through Chapter 34 (almost to the end; we’re saving the big finale for next week).

Are you starting to see why just quoting the Bible is not necessarily a dependable enterprise? What if someone quotes one of Job’s “friends” to support their point? Food for thought.

Want to read more about Job?
I recommend Ray C. Stedman’s excellent little book, LET GOD BE GOD. If you just want a quick dip, then I recommend his chapters 1, 12, and 13.


We are reading The One Year Chronological Bible (New Living Translation). The best way is with your own copy of this Bible translation. Or, copy and paste this link to the daily reading schedule:


A lot of words have been flying back and forth in Job!

1. January 22nd through 27th - Bildad, Eliphaz, and Zophar (Job’s so-called “friends”) have similar messages for Job. My summarization: "You must have done something wrong! God only treats people the way He has treated you because they have done something bad. What bad thing did you do?!!"

What do you think? Is Job justified in his complaints? Do you agree with Job or with the three “friends?”

2. KEY VERSE: On January 24th, (Job 19:25), Job declares “But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the Earth at last.” This is in reference to the Messiah (Jesus). Perhaps you’ve sung this in a hymn?

3. January 28th: Job 32 - And what about Elihu? He has been silently biding his time until the “old folk” have had their say. It has been suggested that he waited out of respect for his seniors. Perhaps. He certainly has a somewhat different take on the events. (A) Does God need Elihu to defend Him? (B) Does God appreciate someone defending Him? (There’s more of Elihu next week.)

How's it going for you in Job?
I would love to hear from you on Job. The book is fascinating to contemplate. We finish Job on January 31st.

Coming up - Egypt!!
We slip back into the timestream, next week, picking up after the deaths of Jacob and Joseph. We get a peek into how Jacob’s descendants fare in the Land of Goshen.

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