Monday, January 6, 2020

BR-03 Chronological Bible Read (January 15-21)

More history, Chrononauts, as we continue to time-travel along the lifelines of one particular family. Next, a side trip into one of the most fascinating books in the Bible: Job


We are reading The One Year Chronological Bible (New Living Translation). The best way is with your own copy of this Bible translation. Or, copy and paste this link to the daily reading schedule:


Endings and beginnings
This week, we end our story of Jacob and Joseph and extended family (for now).

1. January 15th: Genesis 41 (verse 45) - Despite what the NLT footnote says, The Complete Jewish Study Bible says Pharaoh’s new name for Joseph was “Code Breaker!” (Reflecting his ability to interpret dreams).

2. January 17th: Genesis 47 - Pharaoh tells Joseph to have his father and brothers settle “...the best land of Egypt. Let them live in the region of Goshen.” Remember this when we revisit them in the time of Moses.

3. January 18th: Genesis 50 - I thought it was interesting the great respect shown Jacob by the Egyptian officials at his burial ... a stunning endorsement of the value they all placed on Joseph.

We'll be back to follow this family in February.

January 19-21: Job, Chapters 1 through 11 - As for now, we begin the story of Job. I find this book fascinating!

1. January 19th: Job Chapters 1 and 2 - Interesting take on Satan, hmmm? He is presented as a malevolent prosecutor; not just an accuser, but always an accuser of humans.

2. As you have noticed, except for the brief introductory section and the heavenly interludes (all at the beginning), this book is composed of alternating speeches. It helps to think of it as a stage play: Job complains. One of his friends shoots Job down. ... Rinse. Repeat. ... Rinse. Repeat.

This goes on for a few days of our reading.

3. Eventually (next week), God will weigh in. I recommend you pay attention to who says what ... because God certainly did, and then tailored His responses to what each person said.

That's it for this week. Email me any questions or comments.

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