Monday, October 26, 2020

BR-44 Chronological Bible Read (October 29 - November 4)

Eight weeks to go, Chronos! 

We’ve been getting a picture of Judas and Satan that is worth exploring a bit. John refers to Judas as “the one headed for destruction” (John 17:12). The sense of the language is that Judas had long been on a path leading him away from God. This helps explain how Satan “entered into Judas” as he made his way to the point of betrayal. We know that he had been a thief all throughout his association with Jesus. It’s no stretch to believe that his thievery preceded his first encounter with Jesus. The picture that emerges is of a man who sought to take advantage of some very trusting souls, someone willing to pretend to be good for the sole purpose of stealing what was never his. Is it any wonder he finally wore himself down to such a thin being that Satan could slip in and steer? He never belonged to God in the first place. That’s why Judas was so easily led astray by “the ruler of this world.”



We’re reading The One Year Chronological Bible, New Living Translation (Tyndale). It’s best with your own copy. Or, paste in this link to the daily reading schedule:

This week's highlights: 
The plot to kill Jesus. Judas takes a bribe. The last supper. The Holy Spirit is promised. Garden of Gethsemane. Betrayal, arrest, and “trial.” Encounter with Pilate. Encounter with Herod. Back to Pilate. The crucifixion and death of Jesus.  


October 29 —Mark 14:24, Matthew 26:28, Luke 22:20— At this special time, Jesus references two important OT scriptures those present would have known; Isaiah chapter 53 (I think you will recognize this one) and Jeremiah 31:31-34.

October 30 —John 13:34-35, John 15:12, 17— Sometimes called the Eleventh Commandment, it is (1) issued by Jesus, (2) a command given directly to His followers, and (3) it is limited in its objects: “each other.” In other words, outside of all the other commands and directives to love people (e.g., your neighbor”), Jesus wants His followers to love each other, specifically.

October 31 —John 15:19— “The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it.”

November 1 —Matthew 26:51-52, John 18:10, Luke 22:49-51— I find myself wondering about Malchus, the slave of the High Priest whose ear was slashed off by Peter. In my mind’s eye, I see him remaining behind when all the others drag Jesus off to His “trial.” I see him standing there, staring at the ground, one hand lifted to feel his new ear, and yet also feeling the blood that had no doubt run down the side of his face after that sword slash. Though he was likely no longer feeling it, he could well recall the horrible pain that followed his ear being slashed away by Peter’s sword ... and he could clearly see before him on the ground that severed ear. Did he then look over his shoulder after the departing crowd, having second thoughts about the “man” they had been sent to arrest? I wonder what his life was like from that night forward. Did the miracle of his healed ear lead him to become a follower of Jesus?

November 2 —John 18:26— Awkward! Peter is caught out by someone who was actually in the Garden of Gethsemane earlier that night when he slashed off that man’s ear! And she’s a relative of the Malchus! All of this drama just before the rooster crowed. 

November 2 —Matthew 27:6— These “leading” priests think its the money that is tainted! They are the ones who used Judas (and, later, Pilate) as a proxy to murder Jesus ... talk about the blind leading the blind! 

November 3 —Today is all about Pilate— He finds Jesus not guilty ... but quickly sends Him to Herod once he understands that Jesus is a Galilean. Interestingly, Herod and Pilate hated each other, but then became friends over their mutual handling of Jesus. Apparently, Herod saw the sending of Jesus to him as a gesture of goodwill(!) To mollify the Jewish leaders (leading priests, teachers of the law, Pharisees, and other leaders of the people), and even though he knew they were just envious of Jesus, Pilate releases a known murderer rather than Jesus. Then, just before he takes any final actions, Pilate ignores a note from his wife warning him she dreamt that he should release Jesus ... God gave even Pilate a chance to have nothing to do with Jesus’ death. Finally, he has the-man-he-declared-innocent flogged with a lead-tipped whip! Then, after all that, he sentences Jesus to death by crucifixion. 

November 4 —Matthew 27:50-53— DAY OF THE [walking] DEAD! 
I wrote a blog about these folks who got up out of their graves and walked into Jerusalem following Jesus’ death. If interested:

Next week: 
The Burial of Jesus. The resurrection (You had one jobs tomb guards!). Road to Emmaus. Jesus reveals his resurrected person to His disciples. The Great Commission. The Ascension. Replacing Judas. The Holy Spirit and preaching on Pentecost. Peter and John start their ministries. Early opposition to the apostles. Choosing the first Deacons. The arrest and stoning of Stephen. Philip starts his ministry. Saul’s conversion. Peter baptizes Gentiles! Barnabas sorts everything out. King Herod kills James (the brother of John) and imprisons Peter. 

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