Tuesday, October 13, 2020

BR-43 Chronological Bible Read (October 22-28)

It’s nice, bite-size chunks, Chronos, for the rest of the year. 
Looks like we will be averaging three to four pages a day from now on! How great to be entering these final two months with such easy daily reads.

I would appreciate any feedback and recommendations you are willing to share with me over the next couple of months. In 2021, I will look to you for any recommended changes to these study notes. 



We’re reading The One Year Chronological Bible, New Living Translation (Tyndale). It’s best with your own copy. Or, paste in this link to the daily reading schedule:

This week's highlights: 
Zacchaeus, that wee little man. Anointing at Bethany. Triumphal entry to Jerusalem. Pay taxes to Caesar? Moneychangers in the Temple. The greatest commandment. The widow’s mite. Jesus prophecies about the future. The final judgment. 


October 22, 2017 —Matthew 20:1-16—  “The kingdom of heaven is like...” Don’t miss that this entire parable is about revealing the Kingdom to us. God asks, rhetorically, “Can’t I do whatever I want with my own resources?” Sovereignty can be scary to us; we’re not used to that. But that’s the situation. 

October 23, 2017 —Mark 14:3-9, Matthew 26:5-13, John 12:1-11—  Jesus is anointed prior to His crucifixion. John 11:2 confirms this woman was Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus. Interesting revelation about Judas. Yes, he was likely frustrated that Jesus didn’t plan to be an Earthly king. But that’s just part of the picture. Judas was a thief ... and worse. However we wish to parse his personality and his motivations, his choices (betraying for money) still led to a person’s false arrest, harsh treatment, imprisonment, and painful death. 

October 24, 2017 —Luke 19:47— Never doubt which people were proximately responsible for the death of Jesus: the leading priests, the teachers of religious law, and the other leaders of the people.

October 25, 2-17 —Mark 12:1-12, Matthew 21:33-46, Luke 20:9-19— The religious leaders (leading priests, teachers of the law, Pharisees) recognized themselves in the parable! They were the wicked farmers!

October 25, 2017  —Mark 12:13-17, Matthew :15-22, Luke 20-22-26— We bear the imprint and inscription of God ... We are what God wants rendered unto Him. NOTE: the word we translate as “give” is better understood as “restore, return to.” The coin they produced was already the property of Caesar. The tax only caused them to return it to Caesar. 

October 26, 2017 —Mark 12:28-34, Matthew 34-40— These two commandments are the greatest and they equal all the law and the prophets. Think on that a bit.

October 27, 2017 — The whole day is worth a re-read because of this one verse: “So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!”” (Luke‬ ‭21:28‬ ‭NLT‬‬ — http://bible.com/116/luk.21.28.nlt)

October 28, 2017 —Matthew 25_14-30— “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven can be illustrated by ...” We often over look the actual purpose of this parable in trying to find a modern applications for the distribution of “talents” and trying to decide which of these servants is us. Don’t miss those opening words: that’s the real purpose of the parable. 

Next week: 
The plot to kill Jesus. Judas takes a bribe. The last supper. The Holy Spirit promised. The garden of Gethsemane. Betrayal and arrest. The “trial.” Encounter with Pilate. The crucifixion and death of Jesus.  

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