Tuesday, March 17, 2020

BR-12 Chronological Bible Read (March 19-25)

We're finally on the road! I know all the repetition of laws, etc., has been difficult to get through. Now you can pat yourself on the back and move on into the narrative. But, as you can see, the Israelites needed all that repetition.


P.S. I asked you to send me any gems you found in last week’s reading, and you did! See some down below the line. And keep ‘em coming. SCO


We are reading The One Year Chronological Bible (New Living Translation). The best way is with your own copy of this Bible translation. Or, copy and paste this link to the daily reading schedule:


Deuteronomy 26:1 to Joshua 12:6

March 19 - Deuteronomy 28
How interesting that the curses took the form of the very things God did to Egypt in bringing the Israelites out of their servitude there. Coincidence? I think not

March 20 - Deuteronomy 30:19
This week's famous quote: "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life ...." —Moses

March 21- Psalm 90
The song we often sing from Lamentations 3 (🎶"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases! His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning!"🎶) is based originally on the 14th & 15th verses of Psalm 90, a psalm attributed to Moses.

March 22 - Deuteronomy 34 and the first chapters of the Book of Joshua
Moses dies and Joshua takes over as leader.

March 23 - Joshua chap 3 & 4
The Israelites cross the Jordan in fashion reminiscent of their Red Sea crossing.

March 23 - Joshua 6:1-27
Jericho falls, Rahab the harlot is saved (one of only fIve women listed in the lineage of Jesus ... and what interesting women they were!)

March 26 - Joshua 11:21-22
Giants! Did you notice that some giants remained in Gath? Ancestors of Goliath and his kin.

(From Deuteronomy 1-2).

1. It took the Israelites 40 years to travel what could normally be covered in 11 days. Wow!

2. The Israelites were cautioned against harming the land or threatening the descendants of Esau and of Lot. Thought that was interesting. Those folks were not among the chosen people, but were their relatives and God's protection extended to them.

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