Tuesday, March 3, 2020

BR-10 Chronological Bible Read (March 5 — 11)

Hi Ho Chronos! It’s all in the Numbers, this week.

The “Almost Missed It” Department
Our March 1st reading included something most of us know very well ... and love. It's from Numbers 6:22-27. Most likely you know it by it's more recent incarnation: CLICK HERE or copy and paste —-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nxn6tmVSljU

The Lord bless you and keep you,

We are reading The One Year Chronological Bible (New Living Translation). The best way is with your own copy of this Bible translation. Or, copy and paste this link to the daily reading schedule:


March 5th (Numbers 20): Moses and Aaron disobey God by striking the rock instead of speaking to it as God had commanded. For their lack of faith, God says neither of them will enter the Promised Land. This one event sets up everything that happens going forward; Aaron's death high atop that mountain, Joshua and Eleazar elevated to the two most powerful positions in this new nation, and Moses' "Farewell Tour."

March 5th (Numbers 21): Poor Eleazar has barely settled into his new job as Chief Priest when the people once again insult God's plan and provision. So, God sends poisonous snakes to bite and kill them. In response to Moses' intercession, God has him make a bronze snake and lift it up on a pole. The people who looked on it were healed (did not die). We see this symbol, today, as a common symbol for medical first responders. That Israelite snake-on-a-pole lasted for over 700 years and we'll learn about its destruction in 2nd Kings. Also, Jesus references this event (John 3:14-17) to describe himself! You can Google several great books and articles on the intersection of these two scriptures if you have further interest.

March 6 - Talking donkey: ‘Nuff said.

March 7 - almost all of this day is the census. Unless that interests you, feel free to skim.

March 8th: (Numbers 27) The rights of women to inherit property as their distinct property is established by God in the case of the Daughters of Zelophehad. Just one more way in which God distinguished Israel from many other people groups of that time and place. This comes up, again, on March 11th (Numbers 36).

March 9 - A short section addressing vows. It’s followed by an illuminating section on a battle and dividing the spoils.

Map-Making in Numbers 33 - On March 10, unless you want to map their journey, you can skip the recap of all the places the Israelites camped while in the wilderness. That’s the first 49 verses of the chapter. But definitely read verse 50 and following; it’s both commandment and prophecy. The concept, here, is important: When God gives us a gift, we are to “occupy” that gift, fully.

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