Monday, December 7, 2020

BR-50 Chronological Bible Read (December 10-16)

Only two weeks to go! 

Key Scripture: “... true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.” (‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6:6‬)



We’re reading The One Year Chronological Bible, New Living Translation (Tyndale). It’s best with your own copy. Or, paste in this link to the daily reading schedule:

This week's highlights: 
The Letter to Philemon (neither a church nor an evangelist ... a person in Colossae, possibly an Elder of the church there). The letter to the church at Philippi. Letter from James to the Jewish believers who are living away from Israel. Letters to two evangelists: Timothy and Titus. 


December 10th  —The letter to Philemon is all about saving his former slave (Onesimus) from the punishment he is actually due. Paul, masterfully, reasons Philemon into a corner, arguing that Philemon should welcome Onesimus back as a brother in Christ. He forces Philemon to view this (probably) runaway slave in a more favorable light. 

December 10th  —Philippians 1:3-6—  These verses were what Pattie spoke to me at our wedding, and they are inscribed inside my wedding band.
December 11th  —Philippians 4:22b—  “especially those in Caesar’s household.” God’s people are everywhere: even in government positions (or married to those associated with the government). 

NOTE: The book of James (the brother of Jesus) is SO RICH. It only covers 1.5 days of reading, but it contains a lifetime of guidance. I have only mentioned three of the many, many wisdoms nestled here. In five brief chapters, he comments on and connects with almost every other book of the Bible! Amazing. 

December 12th  —James 1:5-6—  First, God wants us to ask for wisdom. Second, there is a caveat: don’t ask unless you really believe in God.
December 12th  —James 1:27—  If you’ve ever wondered what God is looking for in religion, here it is.

December 13th  —James 5:4-6— It boils down to this: it is OK to be rich. But it is not OK to become rich (or stay that way) by cheating, harming, or killing those who are less fortunate. Secondly, don’t depend on your riches to save you if you have behaved in these horrible ways. God knows, and God’s message is, “You have fattened yourselves for the day of slaughter.” Turkeys don’t even do that! 
(Also Dec 15th, 1st Timothy 6:17-19)

December 13th  —1st Timothy2:1-2—  Here is how to pray for kings and others in authority over us: Ask God to help them, intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Well, that is unexpected! Some of them are horrible people! And yet ...

December 15th  —Titus 2:7, 14 and 3:14—  We are to do “good deeds” while in this life. What do you suppose those might be?

December 16th  —2nd Timothy 2:21— This scripture is the basis for Max Lucado’s book, On the Anvil. I highly recommend it to you for clear explanation on how to be of productive use to God.

Next week: 
Letter to the Hebrews (author unknown) and the roll call of faith (Hebrews 11). The great cloud of witnesses. The end of the Timothy letters. The two letters from Peter to the church at large. 

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