Saturday, November 7, 2020

BR-47 Chronological Bible Read (November 19-25)

Home stretch, Chronos!

Key scripture: “...while knowledge makes us feel important, it is love that strengthens the church.” (‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭8:1‬b)

Hard to believe we’re homing in on the last few weeks of our reading. Soon, very soon, we will complete our year of reading the Bible chronologically. How has it been for you? Was it good enough to recommend to your friends? Does having these notes in advance improve the experience? 

Write and share your thoughts with me.



We’re reading The One Year Chronological Bible, New Living Translation (Tyndale). It’s best with your own copy. Or, paste in this link to the daily reading schedule:

This week's highlights: 
Paul addresses the problems in Corinth. One body, many parts. THE Love Chapter?? How we got the tithe. A riot in Ephesus. A letter to the Christ-followers in Rome. More about why faith works where the Law does not. What it’s like to live in the Spirit.


November 19 —1st Corinthians 4:5— What do you think about this instruction from Paul to the christians at Corinth? “Don’t make judgments about anyone ahead of time—before the Lord returns.”

November 19 —1st Corinthians 6:7— What do you think about this one?

November 20 —1st Corinthians 9:5— Pater and James had wives.

November 21 —1st Corinthians 11:11-12— Among followers of Jesus, men and women are interdependent.

November 21 —1st Corinthians 12:31— This is the verse connecting the discussion in Chapter 12 with the answer in Chapter 13. Love is greater than all those matters discussed in Chapter 12. Look back and consider.

November 22 —1st Corinthians 15:54-56— Give a listen to Petra singing about these verses in their song, Grave Robber (skip the ad)

November 23 —Acts 19:23-41 (One riot, one ranger Apostle**) —Here is a case of entrepreneurs being negatively impacted by the preaching of the Gospel— What do you think of the way the official handled the matter? What are some other similar, situations you can think of?

** A legend of the Texas Rangers: people were rioting in a west Texas town. The local leaders sent a message requesting the help of the Texas Rangers. But, when the train arrived, only one Ranger stepped out and onto the platform. When questioned about where the other Rangers were, the Ranger supposedly replied, “One riot, one Ranger.”

Next week: 
Continuing in the letter to the Christians in Rome. Salvation is for everyone. Second letter to the church at Corinth. We get new bodies! Back on the road, again. Paul gets arrested. 

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