Friday, November 25, 2016

How To Know What You Want To Be When You Grow Up (Even If It's Long After SOME PEOPLE Think You Should Already Know) by Steve Orr

After many decades of wondering what I wanted to be when I grew up, I seriously began to doubt I would ever know. It's so easy when you're a kid ...astronaut, firefighter, police officer, president ... everything's within reach when you're six.

But then comes the day when mom and dad make it clear you're going to have to get a job if you expect to continue in their good graces. So, what do you do?

Most of us take the first paying job we're offered.

We tell ourselves it's only temporary. and it probably would be temporary if we didn't repeat that same decision over and over, year in and year out (... just until I get established ... just until we pay off those bills ... just until the kids are out of college ...). One day we look up and realize we've been "temporary adult-ing" for several decades.

And we still don't know what we want to be when we grow up.

Well, after much thought, I think I've figured it out. So here is my offer to all who, like me, are still wondering what you're going to be when you grow up.

1. First, make a list of what you do well (have to restrict this to what you're good at).
2. Give yourself a little time to think about the list. add new things you think of.
3. Once you have as complete a list as possible of the things you do well, rank them.
4. Start with the things you hate to do; mark them with a number one (#1). Be ruthless. Now is not the time to equivocate. Plus, and I should have told you this up front: you shouldn't show this list to anyone.
5. Next, from the remainder of the list, identify those things you only do BECAUSE you're good at them. Mark them with a number two (#2). You know the stuff I'm talking about; the vacuuming, the laundry, edging the lawn. #2 those things!
6. By now, what remains unranked must have shrunk quite a bit. Go over what's left and divide them between two groups: #3 what you're good at that you only want to do if people pay you to do it, and #4 stuff you are good at AND enjoy so much you would do it for free. These are your numbers three and four, respectively.
7. If you can earn a living wage doing #4 things, go for it! It's rare, so luxuriate in those 4s!
8. If, though, like most of us humans, you can't find someone who will throw money at you while you "follow your passion" to its fullest expression, start looking for #3 things to do for your job. You will find many are happy to funnel a decent cash stream to people who are good at things they need. Experience helps, too.
9. Then, do the #4 things in your free time. Your community will thank you.
10. Enjoy life. ☺️

 P.S. Seriously. Don't show that list to anyone.